The loss of a loved one can be a difficult time. Worrying about your financial situation shouldn’t become a priority during your grieving process. At the Law Offices of Winbourne, Hampe & Sheehan, we step in to assist our clients with the complex issues of unraveling wills and other probate proceedings.
Our attorneys are skilled and experienced in handling various situations that arise when a loved one passes away, including probate and estate administration. If you have lost a loved one and need assistance putting their final affairs in order, we can help. Call us at 781-708-4495 or send us an e-mail today.
Estate Administration And Probate Of Wills
Often in our lives the unexpected happens. If you have lost a loved one who passed on without a will, we can lend a helping hand. Our qualified lawyers will assist you in handling the distribution of assets to the deceased’s legal heirs if a valid will cannot be produced.
Even if a will has been drafted, difficulties can still arise. The deceased’s last wishes can be contested, sending the matter to probate court. We handle contestation of wills as well as distributing property through probate when the will is not contested.
Ensuring Health Care Through Guardianship
The Law Offices of Winbourne, Hampe & Sheehan has decades of experience assisting clients with difficult health situations requiring guardianship, including Rogers Guardianships. Our services help clients appoint an individual with the power to make healthcare decisions when mental health precludes a loved one from making them.
Rogers Guardianships allow the appointed guardian to give further permission to healthcare providers to administer anti-psychotic medication in times of need. Often, we assist clients with appointment of guardians for loved ones afflicted with Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
Conservatorship And Mental Health Law
Our experience provides us with the necessary knowledge to assist in the appointment of a conservator to handle financial matters. Loved ones with difficulty understanding complex money matters often benefit from the trusted input and actions of a conservator. A conservator acts on behalf of your loved ones in financial matters only and is appointed by the court.
The Law Offices of Winbourne, Hampe & Sheehan takes special care in assisting our clients through knowledgeable advice and careful planning for the future.
Our attorneys also represent the mentally challenged or their loved ones in civil commitment proceedings when concerns of safety to the individual or others are raised. This representation requires special training each year and is a service we are pleased to be able to offer.
Call the Law Offices of Winbourne, Hampe & Sheehan today at 781-708-4495 or e-mail us to discuss any of your issues relating to probate, guardianships, conservatorships, or mental health concerns. We are always available to lend assistance.